How to take quick backup of wordpress site

Taking quick backups of your WordPress site is essential for safeguarding your website in case of unexpected issues, updates gone wrong, or security threats. Here’s how you can take a quick backup of your WordPress site using a few different methods:

1. Backup with a WordPress Plugin (Recommended):

Using a WordPress backup plugin is one of the easiest and most efficient ways to create backups.

a. Install a Backup Plugin:

  • Choose a reliable backup plugin like UpdraftPlus, BackWPup, or Duplicator.
  • Install and activate the chosen plugin from your WordPress dashboard.

b. Configure the Backup Settings:

  • Access the plugin’s settings from the WordPress dashboard (usually under “Settings” or as a dedicated menu item).
  • Configure your backup settings, including the frequency (manual or automatic), backup location (local, remote, or cloud storage), and what to include in the backup (files, database, or both).

c. Create a Backup:

  • Once your settings are configured, initiate a backup from the plugin’s dashboard.
  • The plugin will start creating a backup of your WordPress site, and you can monitor the progress.

d. Store the Backup:

  • Depending on your settings, you can store the backup locally on your server, download it to your computer, or send it to remote storage services like Dropbox, Google Drive, or an FTP server.

2. cPanel Backup:

If your hosting provider uses cPanel, you can use its built-in backup functionality to create backups of your website.

a. Log in to cPanel:

  • Access your web hosting control panel (cPanel) provided by your hosting provider.

b. Find the Backup Tool:

  • Look for the “Backup” or “Backup Wizard” icon within cPanel.

c. Create a Full Backup:

  • Choose the option to create a full backup.
  • Select your website’s home directory and specify where you want to store the backup (e.g., your home directory or an external destination).
  • Click the “Generate Backup” button.

d. Download the Backup:

  • Once the backup is complete, you can download it to your computer or store it in a secure location.

3. Manual Backup via FTP:

You can also manually create backups of your WordPress site by copying your website files and database via FTP (File Transfer Protocol).

a. Access Your Server via FTP:

  • Use an FTP client like FileZilla to connect to your web server.

b. Download Website Files:

  • Navigate to your WordPress root directory (usually in the “public_html” or “www” folder).
  • Download all files and folders to your local computer.

c. Export the Database:

  • Access your hosting control panel or phpMyAdmin.
  • Export your WordPress database as an SQL file and save it to your computer.

d. Store the Backup:

  • Store both the downloaded website files and the database backup in a secure location.

Remember that regular backups are crucial, so establish a backup schedule that suits your needs and the frequency of content updates on your site. Additionally, always store backups in a secure location separate from your web server to prevent data loss in case of server issues or security breaches.

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