Most Important files to be secured in wordpress folder structure

Most Important files to be secured in wordpress folder structure

Securing your WordPress website involves protecting various files and directories in your WordPress folder structure. While all files and directories play a role in your site’s security, some are more critical to secure than others. Here are some of the most important files and directories to focus on:

  1. wp-config.php: This file contains sensitive information, including your database credentials. Protect it by setting appropriate file permissions (e.g., 400 or 440) and ensuring it’s not accessible to unauthorized users.
  2. .htaccess: The .htaccess file controls server-level configurations and can be used to enhance security. Ensure it’s secure, and don’t allow unauthorized access.
  3. wp-admin Directory: The wp-admin directory is the control center of your WordPress site. Protect it with strong passwords, limit login attempts, and consider using two-factor authentication.
  4. wp-login.php: This file handles the login process. Protect it by limiting login attempts, changing the default login URL, and implementing security plugins.
  5. wp-includes Directory: The wp-includes directory contains core WordPress files. Ensure its integrity by not modifying core files and keeping your WordPress installation up to date.
  6. Plugins and Themes: Malicious code can be injected into plugins and themes. Use trusted sources for themes and plugins, regularly update them, and uninstall any unused or outdated ones.
  7. Uploads Directory: The wp-content/uploads directory stores your media files. Protect it by setting the right permissions (e.g., 755) and implementing security measures to prevent unauthorized uploads.
  8. wp-admin/includes Folder: This folder contains important core files related to the admin area. Protect it by not modifying these files and only using reputable plugins.
  9. wp-content Directory: The wp-content directory stores themes, plugins, and uploaded files. Protect it by using strong passwords for FTP and database access.
  10. XML-RPC: XML-RPC can be exploited for attacks. Consider disabling it if not needed or use security plugins to restrict access.
  11. Database: While not a file in the WordPress folder structure, your database is a critical component. Use strong database passwords and implement database security best practices.

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