How to enable google analytics on wordpress site

How to enable google analytics on wordpress site

Enabling Google Analytics on your WordPress site allows you to track and analyze your website’s traffic, user behavior, and other valuable insights. Here’s how to set up Google Analytics on your WordPress site:

Method 1: Using a Plugin (Recommended)

  1. Sign Up for Google Analytics:
    • If you don’t already have a Google Analytics account, go to the Google Analytics website and sign in with your Google account. Follow the prompts to create a new property for your website and get a tracking code.
  2. Install a WordPress Plugin:
    • Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
    • Go to “Plugins” > “Add New.”
    • Search for “Google Analytics” in the search bar.
    • Choose a reputable plugin like “MonsterInsights” or “GA Google Analytics,” and click “Install Now.”
  3. Activate and Configure the Plugin:
    • After installation, click “Activate” on the plugin.
    • Go to the plugin’s settings (usually found in the “Settings” or “Insights” section of your WordPress dashboard).
    • Connect your Google Analytics account by following the plugin’s instructions. You may need to enter the tracking code provided by Google Analytics.
  4. Verify the Setup:
    • Once you’ve configured the plugin, it should start tracking your website’s data. You can view the statistics directly from your WordPress dashboard or by logging into your Google Analytics account.

Method 2: Manually Adding the Tracking Code

If you prefer not to use a plugin, you can manually add the Google Analytics tracking code to your WordPress site:

  1. Sign Up for Google Analytics:
    • As mentioned above, create a Google Analytics account and set up a property for your website. Get the tracking code from your Google Analytics account.
  2. Access Your WordPress Theme Files:
    • In your WordPress dashboard, go to “Appearance” > “Theme Editor.”
  3. Edit Your Theme’s Header File:
    • In the Theme Editor, look for the “header.php” file in the list of theme files on the right. Click to edit it.
  4. Insert the Tracking Code:
    • Find the <head> section within the “header.php” file.
    • Paste the Google Analytics tracking code just before the closing </head> tag.
    • Save the changes.
  5. Verify the Setup:
    • After saving, Google Analytics will start tracking your site. You can confirm it’s working by checking your Google Analytics account for data.

Remember that it may take some time for Google Analytics to collect and display data about your website’s traffic. Once set up, you can access detailed analytics reports in your Google Analytics account.

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